When you are looking for database work in the UAE, you will discover that you should start by searching to see what global companies have opportunities in Dubai. For instance, Blue Coat Dubai is a company that provides network solutions in the city of Dubai, and they work with some impressively large organizations. Similarly, you will find that Cisco and Depa are two other companies that have a strong presence in the city as does the industry giant IBM. When you are looking for work in database administration, you will find that that the opportunity can likely be found online, even if it does tend to take you half way across the world!
How are you going to get the jobs that you are looking for? In the first place, remember that your resume needs to stand out. Always make sure that you call to follow up on a resume after you have sent one in. One thing that many new candidates do not realize is that when a sorter has more than a hundred resumes to go through, he or she might only go through the first fifty before she has an acceptable list of candidates. Also remember that if you call to follow up, you can pull your resume out of relatively obscure pile and you never know when it is going to move you to the head of the line. The first cut is performed on the telephone; remember to clear and blunt because the person interviewing you might not have a lot of tech background.
When you are looking at getting a job in Dubai, remember that you never know when networking is going to help you. There are a number of people who are interested in how things are going to move forward in the UAE, and you will discover that in many cases, some of the professionals that you may have worked with in the past are doing work that has some focus on Dubai. Never forget that you should let people know that you are job hunting, and remember that in many cases, it is going to go much more smoothly than you might think. The opportunities in Dubai are challenging and plentiful so keep your eye out for the opportunity that really speaks to you.
When you are interested in getting a DBA job in Dubai, take some time and consider what your options are going to be. There are a number of different options that are likely open to you, so think about how you are going to be moving forward with your goals!